[treches] projects,

volume 5:

dyeing with onions

  I've collected a lot of peelings from red onions, and are planning on dyeing some fabric ...red? First of all, I soak the fabrics (cotton) in a mix of water and sodium carbonate with the pH of ca 10-11. This is to make the fibres take the colour. Boiling the onion-peelings for about 15min, it goes from deep red till kind of brown... ..and by the time I add the fabric its definitely brown -and not a very nice one..! I let this cook for another 15min. cleaning it out in cold water, most of the dye goes away... But if you compare with my other attempts (beetroot DOES NOT dye ANYTHING red!!!), the onion-dye on the right is definitely the most succesful...! When dry it's a bit less brown, a nice, light yellow..!